How this Pandemic can help you

Don’t focus on the output,focus on the input.

Jagdeep Singh
3 min readAug 2, 2020
Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

As a college pass out, this pandemic had quite a big impact on me, both positively and negatively. Did my majors in Mechanical engineering and was ready for my first job but then the corona hit the whole world, affecting every aspect of jobs to social life.

Fast forward six months, people are at their home, some furloughed, some conducting work from home along with some like me who are in the middle of the crisis and unsure about their future.

As a guy in his early 20’s, what I understood the most is that this pandemic was something we needed, don’t take me wrong but this pandemic has had a drastic impact on our lives like never before. At least, I have never seen anything thing like this, something that has caused changes to the majority of aspects of our life in a very short time that too not for a group of people but the whole world.

I agree to humans as a species are the most adaptable species on earth however adaptability comes with changes, changes that are sometimes temporary or permanent, changes that had me stop and look in the mirror and think where are we heading and the answer is a brighter future where people will be more compassionate, more competitive, more HUMAN!.

I believe most of us are right now at a stage where what comes next is unpredictable and being at home, having this amount of time to think about it adds to the anxiety. But think about it for a second, we are a generation of Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon wherein we have this ability to generate a lot of income sources from these services.

Personally, after two months of anxiety and not being able to do what I wanted to do all along gave me chills but at the same time shifted my view from being a job rat to getting the work done my way. Everyone can, everyone should because it’s free.

We human beings try to preach about time freedom still at the same time when reality thumps we are ones who prefer working under some kind of authority because that is what we are programmed for from an early age. At least in my case, I have always been taught to study hard and end up with a job that’s not even meant for me. I said “not even meant for me” because now I know what I love to do and what I don’t.

The amount of time wasted by people like me just because we think somethings are not meant for us is alarming. Time is a resource, use it effectively. The motivational or educational content that is available is of no use if people don’t start applying the ideas and principles behind them in their day to day life.

This pandemic has given us a crystal clear image of how important this ‘Internet’ thing is. Use it, try to become more productive at home first and use your full potential, try freelancing if you haven’t till now, try digital marketing, try learning new skills, learn to code, open a youtube channel and brainstorm for ideas but do it, don’t sit and keep procrastinating.

Some of my recommendations are:

  • Blogging
  • Trading
  • Logo designing
  • Photography
  • Editing
  • Copywriting
  • Podcasts

It’s not like you will succeed in these domains and earn a lot of money, you won’t not when you are just starting but you can eventually. There are a lot of things that can get you started and that’s the part that most of us are not even bothering to try, begin somewhere, you will end up somewhere better.

As said by Samuel Clemens who goes by the pen name Mark Twain “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”.

So start, distractions will always be there, this year it’s a natural distraction- the pandemic, next year it can be a personal distraction. The cycle will continue, try to hold the steering rather than just being a passenger.



Jagdeep Singh

Millennial with a complex personality and average writing skills.